The Canmore Opera House at Spring Creek

Our Story
This building is a replica of the original Canmore Opera House which was built as a band hall in 1898, its logs cut from the slopes of Ha-Ling Peak.
During its heyday in the early 1900s, the Canmore Opera House was one of the town’s most important gathering places. A location where residents and visitors could come together for concerts, plays, dances as well as more modest events like whist drives and mine-sponsored Christmas parties. Far and away, it was the most popular place for entertainment in the Canadian Rockies…and it was the center of community spirit in Canmore.
While the original Canmore Opera House has spent the past 53 years in Calgary’s Heritage Park, developer Frank Kernick has built a replica in Spring Creek as a gathering and event space for neighbourhood residents and the broader community.
More than anything else, Spring Creek’s Canmore Opera House is a versatile space for Spring Creekers to socialize, connect and enjoy mutual interests. It also acts as an events venue for the Canmore community and beyond.